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*the story*


i'm jonny ruckus, i like to make shirts.

Sometimes about Cosplay, sometimes about Ghostbusters, and sometimes about drinking. But I always pride myself in the idea of doing everything myself.

I print everything in my garage and try to accommodate everyone's needs for styles and sizes. By doing so I cannot keep stock in house to print orders on demand, which is why I do everything as runs.

I've done many runs of shirts and they've all gone flawlessly. The only true snags I've had are people who would rather purchase through a website than sending random Paypal orders out to someone on Facebook, so here I am!

I pride myself in using high quality soft shirts and printing at a high quality. I've worked in the print industry for 10 years, and there's nothing I hate more than a cheap product. Nothing makes me happier than seeing friends wearing my shirts and telling how much they love how they feel, how they fit, and how great they look.

Cosplayer * Designer * Villain * Drunk

© 2022 by RUCKUS TEES created by Jonny Ruckus

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